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TaskTime4 | ToThePoint Software



Unfortunately, a bug that has cropped up with recent MacOS updates. Reports are no longer working and due to technical issues I am unable to fix this problem. I regret that this situation means I am no longer able to update or support TaskTime4. 

I have built a brand new application as a replacement option for TaskTime4. Time4Pay is an intuitive app built for the latest versions of MacOS. Although it has features similar to TT4, it cannot use data created with TT4. A fully featured 20 day free trial Time4Pay is available to download HERE.


TaskTime4 Project Exporter

To Former Users of TaskTime4:

I have created a utility that will export your TaskTime4 projects. It creates individual text files containing summary information of each TaskTime project. These text files can be opened using TextEdit.

You can download the utility at https://ttpsoftware.com/TaskTime_to_Text.zip